Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Afternoon. It MOVES. M-O-V-E-S.

Having chosen to forego viewing the State of the Union Address, and I ventured to historic Spurs, Texas yesterday in the deep afternoon to hit numerous happy hours.

Stop #1: The VFW Post 76, nestled along the river in a large, large, white house that looks like it belongs in To Kill A Mockingbird. The skinny: This place kicks hard bun. I had 2 Modelo Especials for $2.50, a whopping total of 5 bones. Additionally, they have a jukebox that plays 3 songs, for $1! That is magnificent. I am so tired of jukeboxes that feed the corporate scheme. My selections: (1) Garth Brooks' cover of "Night Rider's Lament" and Al Green's "Let's Stay Together." My lady friend and I ventured there with her family a few months back in the warmer months and listened to the same Al Green tune. *Touching* - But the bumblebees were a problem outside. Anyhow, I am ranting. Let's move on!

Stop #2: We drove to Josephine St. and ventured in for a look. No bar to sit at. See ya!
(However, I like a restaurant that has each table equipped with Worcestershire, AI & KetchUp. I recommend their CFS.

Stop #3: The Liberty Bar, which is under a new name - but the same ownership. As we all know, this Spurs, Texas joint is a staple to the city with it's leaning frame and authentic locale. We had an order of fried jalapenos, on the house and the following beverages: A black & blue, a G&T, and some whiskey-colas. The bartender snubbed us a bit, but all is fair in love and war.

Stop #4: Olmos Pharmacy Open Mic Night. We both got to play a couple of jams, amongst Bud Light drinkers and winos. A real classy time. Heard some amazing viola and vocals from the closing act. Some friends came and joined.

Stop#5: Broadway 50/50. It was fun. The arsehole wouldn't let me play the guitar there when he was on break.

Stop#6: Taco Stop.

And finally, #7: I tracked mud in the house. Mom came and told me about it this morning. But -- it was not a big deal -- just a small rule violation.

Going to Cali tomorrow for the weekend. JAWN HAS GOT TO SURF!

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