Monday, February 28, 2011

Leaves on the Wind

2:00 a.m. cst. For those of you who have been active readers of Orcas, you might have become acquainted with one of my actors, Pat Berger. Pat is currently formulating a blog himself, which I expect to revolve around well-written reviews of metallic music and delicious food. Tonight, Pat told me about a delicious dish he made for dinner this evening. Some kind of meat and potatoes configuration. Meat and potatoes. Quality on a Sunday.

While I was showing Pat some of the latest short-film material (which will be released sometime early this week), Mr. Berger took it upon himself to show me some quality music. Some of it cannot be shared here, for I plan to use it later for a certain documentary. However, he did tell me about SUN KIL MOON. I know not enough to further delve in to the history, power and precision of this group - so I won't. Atleast not now. But, I would like to share with you all one certain thing that Pat shared with me. The entire album is about boxers (yes, those in the ring) who died tragically, be it within the ring or outside of it. What a beautiful concept. With regards to a boxer - and for the purposes of the aforementioned album - the idea that these were men who would punch, fight and scrapple for a living is honorable in every sense of the word. What further elevates this concept is that they died clawing, fighting and ultimately pursuing something.

Give this song a listen. It's likely not for everyone. But if anything, listen for the surprise in the back end. It's a little drum tap that finally kicks in and gives the song the wings it truthfully doesn't need. Nevertheless, it's like waiting around to open Christmas presents, while everyone else is asleep. And then suddenly, towards the end of the morning, the surprise arrives and the cheeks curl up in to a smile. JB, Out.

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