Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being Prepared

No sermon today, just some quick thoughts on the importance of preparation. Moons ago, I was awarded my Eagle Scout award after years and years of scouting. During my tenure in the Boy Scouts of America, I never really dug scouting, but looking back - I realize how that experience was a vital part of personal growth. One of the key messages of the scouting program is "Be Prepared." What a simple, yet crucial concept. 

Yesterday, when I got to work, I realized I had left my pen in the car. Having made a point to bring a pen in to work, only to leave it in the car, left me greatly infuriated. I had wanted to be prepared but I wasn't, leaving me scrounging for a pen before the work day started (It's a total ass pain to walk back out there and get it). I eventually found one, but today - I shall walk in to my office strapped with multiple Bic pens. 

Last night, I went out for beers with a couple of friends and ended up having 4-5 dark, hoppy glasses of sudulation. It was a Monday Night. Obviously, Monday Night beer drinking has little to no point, but when I came home - Being Prepared kicked in to overdrive. I filled my Nalgene up with water and made a point to conquer the indestructible water bottle before bed. I did a pretty damn good job, leaving me feeling refreshed this morning. Preparation. 

In the above picture, I am wearing a Frankenstein mask. When I was living in Chile, I got in to the habit of drinking yerba mate - which is essentially the coffee of South America. I decided that my Frankenstein mask could double as an exterior for my thermos in order to protect my palm sensors from the scalding surface. I wasn't exactly prepared for the heat of the thermos, but I was prepared to give up my Frankenstein mask in order to keep my thermos nicely shelled. 
Good things to have for preparedness: Spare tires, tire gauge, bike rack, large music archives, canned food, water storage units, fire-lighting skills & materials, books, beliefs, pens, guitars, condoms, hidden cash, batteries, flashlights, headlamps, rope, knife, floss, river sandals, brown & black belts, dress socks, razor & cream, a cell phone charger for both car and home, tampons, cigars, jumper cables, inner strength. 

 Maxine Nightingayle - Right Back Where We Started From

Bon Iver - Come Talk to Me 

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