Monday, April 18, 2011

Step into the park (a guest post from South America)

Contributed post - via South America - by way of Argentinian interwebs

After graduating from college last May, I realized I hadn't been maximizing my creative oppurtunities as much as I should be.  Stuck in a bit of a rut, I looked forward to EdBaum joining me in both Deerfield, a limbo between San Antonio and the Hill Country, as well as post grad life, a slightly more metaphorical limbo between college and job.  After a swanky graduation party( to which I wasn't actually invited), a few hard drinking sessions at stonestreet, one Negro Modelo feuled jam session, and a game of basketball, EdBaum's perpetually burning flame of creativity started to get me moving again.  Shortly thereafter, I moved to Buenos Aires. 
Throwing myself out of America and into a much more uncomfortable situation only further propelled that creative ball that had long been collecting dust, and had only recently begun to start rolling again somewhere on Heubner and 1604.  Without the comforts/distractions of home, I found myself wanting to write/jam/read/explore all the time.  I realized how incredibly lucky I am to live in a time where I have instant access to billions of pieces of culture and I've tried to take advantage of it. 
When EdBaum asked me to make some guest posts on orcas, I got pumped.  Really pumped.  Reebok pumped.  I was ready to actually do something.  Kind of nervous since this is my first time as a participating member of the internet, I took my time and crafted a slightly deeper piece on the relationship between energy and creativity.  I think there's some thermodynamics in there as well.  And a Henry Rollins quote.  However, that doesn't really matter because it will have to wait for another day.  EdBaum told me to write what comes.  This is what I came.  So, I wrote it.  Here's some music.

02 - Temecula Sunrise by astronauta The Dirty Projectors- Temecula Sunrise
Frank Ocean - Swim Good by BLINDO Frank Ocean- Swim Good
Bibio - Haikuesque (When She Laughs) by Disco_Sucky Bibio- Haikusque (When she laughs)              

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